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Contributors and subscribers enable Of Two Minds to post free content. Without your financial support, the free content would disappear for the simple reason that I cannot keep body and soul together on my meager book sales alone.

SPECIAL APPEAL TO READERS OF OFTWOMINDS from longtime correspondent Cheryl A.:

I don't recall exactly how I discovered Of Two Minds in late 2005, but it is hard to express how grateful I am that I did. As a result of the insight I have gained from the information Charles has shared over these past 9 years, I have been able to navigate this turbulent period much more successfully than most of my acquaintances. I'm sure that those of you who visit OTM with any regularity have similarly benefitted in numerous ways.

The addition of the weekly musings has been an extra bonus for supporters that has provided further insight into the markets, as well as the world around us (often providing a much needed smile).

I have no doubt that those who generously contribute to this site recognize the value that it offers. I hope that those of you who visit, but have not yet contributed, will consider doing so. Your support is essential in helping to maintain such an important resource.

10/20/14 P.S. Over a year ago, Charles wrote about the coming rise in the dollar, a story that is just now gaining traction in the mainstream media. He was also early to recognize that the price of oil was going to fall. For readers who want foresight into where we are headed, these are further examples of why Charles deserves your support.

Thank you, Cheryl, for this vote of confidence. I can only promise that I will continue to do my best.

"This guy is THE leading visionary on reality. He routinely discusses things which no one else has talked about, yet, turn out to be quite relevant months later."
--Walt Howard, commenting about CHS on another blog.

"You shine a bright and piercing light out into an ever-darkening world."
Jeremy Beck

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